

As we are part of the forestry and civil construction sector discussions, our work involves:
Pássaro pousado na ponta de um galho com uma floresta de eucalipto ao fundo
Crianças sentadas em roda em um campo recebendo aula de um professor em pé. Ao fundo, um quiosque de madeira

Some Highlights:

Our Emissions

The guidelines of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program are used to account for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In 2020 and 2021, we made progress in determining the scope 3 of the units in Brazil and Colombia, especially in emissions from waste disposal and from the manufacture of our raw materials.
Vista aérea com floresta de conservação e floresta de eucalipto da Dexco em mosaico.
Imagem fechada de mãos usando luvas e plantando uma muda de eucalipto.

Positive Carbon Balance

We are committed to ensuring sustainable growth by maintaining a positive carbon balance until 2030, even with growth and the acquisition of new businesses;

In Colombia, we participate in the Carvida Dexco-Bônus, Carbono pela Vida program, through the removal of carbon by the forests maintained in the country, which guaranteed, in 2021, the generation of a bonus of almost 600 thousand tons of CO²eq.

Energy matrix – eco-efficiency in processes in Brazil and Colombia

Energy matrix from renewable sources, in 2021, especially from biomass originated in our forests

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For 2025, we aim to reduce the relative consumption of energy in all our operations, considering the energy matrix of each unit.

Waste Management

In 2021:

Decrease from 17% to 7% in the proportion of waste sent to landfills in the last five years;

• We offset 22% of all packages that were circulated throughout 2020 and that reached our consumers throughout Brazil;

• The percentage of recycled and/or reused waste in the four Ceramic Tiles units increased from 93.4% to 98.7%.

Discover the Dexco 2021 Integrated Report in full.